
Showing posts from October, 2022

Website Nightmares That Are Not a Halloween Trick - and How to Fix Them

  (originally posted on: 2017-10-14, republished on 2018-10-31for webpoly )      Halloween is here but you must avoid website horror. Here is a list of conversion-killer monsters that can attack your website and the actions you must take to exorcise those scary mistakes away from your business site. Most common website monsters   1. The Vampire      Is your traffic being drained by a vampire website?      If you're regularly promoting your website to people but nobody is filling your contact form, signing your newsletter, downloading your offer or concluding a purchase on your website, you may be dealing with a case of a vampire website.      Does your website have a high bounce rate ?      Then the vampire website can drain the blood out of your business if you don't pay attention to it.      So how do you stop it sucking the clients out of your sales funnel ? How to kill it      Monitoring your website traffic .      Installing analytics code in your website pages will allow