Setting, accountability and achievement of goals - Part 3

    On the first and the second parts of this post, I presented tips for setting, prioritizing and organizing your goals, and for making sure you don't give them up along the year. Now we are going to see how evaluate your goal list.

    So, how do you evaluate your goals with  all through the year?

Accountability and evaluation of goals

    It's a good idea to check periodically if your goals are being met, for instance, at the end of each month, so you don't run the risk of coming to the end of the year without achieving them, and, in case they´re not, you can adjust your schedule.

    It's also good to review your goals from time to time, to see if they fit within the big picture of your life plan and inner motivations.

    For that, you must be aware of your priorities and motivations, and ask yourself: is this helping me in the path to what's really important for me? if not, maybe you´d better drop this goal or change it for another one.

    I told you I had some 'maybe' goals that depended upom what happened along the year. Maybe I'd need to pursue them, maybe not. Periodical evaluation also serves to check if it's time to put those goals on the execution list, discard them or keep them waiting a little more.

Electing your Top Priority Goals

    When you reflect about your life's purpose and motivations while reviewing and evaluating your goals, you may find out that you have too many goals to achieve in the interval of one year.

    If that's also the case with you, you must elect your Top Priority Goals, the ones you need to make sure are being acomplished each month.

    It's a bit like evaluating each goal, only now you go through your Priority List and also compare it your other goals when you reflect about your your life's true purpose, needs and motivations.

    My tip for nailing it reading is your goal list and answering to the question: 'Why is it important?' for each one of your goals.

Dealing with the unexpected

    When you start working on your goals, eventually you may need to deal with unforeseen events, such as an acident, illness or any other setback.

    If those things happen, also make them part of your goal list. For instance, recovering from an illness may need to take the first place in your Priority List, depending upon the severity of the situation and/or impact on the execution of your goals.

    By including the measures needed for dealing with unforeseen events on your goal list, you don't loose sight of your goals, keep motivated and organise yourself better.

    Do this and you're on a sure path for achieving your goals. Happy goal setting!

Read the previous parts of this post:

Part I: Setting, prioritizing and organizing your goals 

Part II: Keeping track of goals and keeping goals on track




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