Setting, accountability and achievement of goals - Part 2

     On the first part of this post, I presented tips for setting, prioritizing and organizing your goals. Now we are going to see how to make sure you don't give them up along the year.

    So, how do you keep pursuing your goals with  all through the year?

Keeping track of goals and keeping goals on track

    The title of this section must have reminded you of Martha Stewart's motto*: I'm huge fan of her organization tips. 

*"A place for everything and everything on its place."

    So, I divided the Purgatory of Goals in 'keep it' (monthly/weekly/daily), 'depend mainly upon me''depend on others' and 'maybe' goals.

    Then, I started to look for the already stablished routine through the preliminary list and put them under the 'keep it' group in the Purgatory Goal List only as a reminder.

    Next, I did the same for the other goals, ordering them by priority.

Breaking goals into smaller tasks

    We can analys each goal's feasability in more detail by breaking them into smaller tasks.

    A instance from goals found here is "Keep exercising and gradually increasing physical activities, favouring those that develop body and mind's conditioning" can be broken into:
  • Keep exercising
  • Gradually increasing physical activities, favouring those that develop body and mind's conditioning
     'Keep exercising' goes under the 'keep it' list, while 'Gradually increasing physical activities' can be broken into even smaller tasks:
  • Gradually increasing physical activities, favouring those that develop body and mind's conditioning
    • Yoga for backbend
    • Researching for new exercize routines
    For goals that depend upon others, or any other goal that can't be broken into smaller tasks, you can ask: what can I do about it? And come up with ideas to help achieve it. For example, "Obtain the appropriate authorship credits and property rights for my recorded songs without my permission"
  • Obtain the appropriate authorship credits and property rights for my recorded songs without my permission
    • Write reminders periodically
    • Mention it in other posts
    • Pin it at the top of your blog

Goals month by month

    Once you prioritized your goals and started breaking it into smaller tasks, - you don't need to do it to them all at once - you can distribute them by month. For instance; tasks to be done in January, February, etc.

    If you're really good at getting things done, maybe it will keep it more organized if you set weekly goals.
    If you have content planning goals, a calendar with this year's celebration and holiday events may be helpful.

    I currently keep my goals in a .doc file in a text editor, but have already used Trello in the past and their drag and drop, horizontal folder display is perfect for this job.


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