
Setting, accountability and achievement of goals - Part 3

    On  the   first  and the second parts of this post, I presented tips for setting, prioritizing and organizing your goals, and for making sure you don't give them up along the year.  Now we are going to see how evaluate your goal list.     So, how do you evaluate your goals with  all through the year? Accountability and evaluation of goals     It's a good idea to check periodically if your goals are being met, for instance, at the end of each month, so you don't run the risk of coming to the end of the year without achieving them, and, in case they´re not, you can adjust your schedule .     It's also good to review your goals from time to time, to see if they fit within the big picture of your life plan and inner motivations .     For that, you must be aware of your priorities and motivations, and ask yourself: is this helping me in the path to what's really important for me ? if not, maybe you´d better drop this goal or change it for another one.     I told

Setting, accountability and achievement of goals - Part 2

      On the first part of this post , I presented tips for setting, prioritizing and organizing your goals. Now we are going to see how to make sure you don't give them up along the year.     So, how do you keep pursuing your goals with  all through the year? Keeping track of goals and keeping goals on track     The title of this section must have reminded you of Martha Stewart 's motto* : I'm huge fan of her organization tips.  * "A place for everything and everything on its place."      So, I divided the  Purgatory of Goals  in  'keep it'  (monthly/weekly/daily),  'depend mainly upon me' ,  'depend on others'  and  'maybe'  goals.     Then, I started to look for the already stablished routine through the preliminary list and put them under the 'keep it' group in the Purgatory Goal List  only as a reminder.     Next, I did the same for the other goals, ordering them by priority. Breaking goals into smaller tasks     We ca

Setting, accountability and achievement of goals - Part 1

     One thing I love about the beginning of a New Year is setting goals and New Year's resolutions . But, for the majority of people, they tend to be forgotten before the end of the first month .       So, how do you set your goals and keep consistently pursuing them all through the year?     While I was reading through my goals for this year to sort them in order of priority for their execution, I had the idea of writing this post sharing my system for organizing them and getting it done.     You may have goals for different areas of your life , but it's a good idea grouping them all together in your schedule.     I wrote my personal and professional goals together in another profile . On this blog, I posted my writing goals . I have worked with design , mainly design for web, development and animation . but been a songwriter since childhood and also wrote some screenplays that were hugely succesful , but I didn't receive my authorship credits and patrimonial rights yet

Karen's ambitious goals for 2024

Getting a book comission $$$, with payment upfront. Working on an already initiated thriller book. Working on an already initiated fast-read gift book. Getting confirmation for a short story I wrote a long while ago . Writing about character licensing , intelectual property and passive income for creatives . Posting often on 'Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Finances...'  and on Fourth Pig , especially the CEO School articles. Initiating a series of articles about CFO education at Fourth Pig . Keep posting on the other blogs as well. Keeping track of all my blogs and posts. I keep them organized in some spreadsheet files and also keep a PDF copy of them.

2023 in retrospect for Ghost Blogger

    Ghost Blogger entered 2023 without any new post ans so it remained . While I didn't have any comissioned book to work on, other blogs needed my attention, mostly for brand protection.     The month of February saw the retake of the news sites Fourth Pig , once in a self domain, now reduced to a simple blog.     In  March , I reedited the old e-commerce sites  Santa's Little Shop ,  Jack's Little Shop  and  Cupid's Little Shop , formerly self domains, now as simple blogs too.     Yet in March , I initiated  Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Finances * But The H**s Kept Finding You , about finances, under the pseudonym of Karen Adams, and Tea Lovers , initially intended to be a community, in the blog form as well.     March hasn't ended yet and another old project took the form of a blog, for more brand protection and community support, Legal Tender project is being postponed for over ten years, but my situation since then has changed considerably.  

Website Nightmares That Are Not a Halloween Trick - and How to Fix Them

  (originally posted on: 2017-10-14, republished on 2018-10-31for webpoly )      Halloween is here but you must avoid website horror. Here is a list of conversion-killer monsters that can attack your website and the actions you must take to exorcise those scary mistakes away from your business site. Most common website monsters   1. The Vampire      Is your traffic being drained by a vampire website?      If you're regularly promoting your website to people but nobody is filling your contact form, signing your newsletter, downloading your offer or concluding a purchase on your website, you may be dealing with a case of a vampire website.      Does your website have a high bounce rate ?      Then the vampire website can drain the blood out of your business if you don't pay attention to it.      So how do you stop it sucking the clients out of your sales funnel ? How to kill it      Monitoring your website traffic .      Installing analytics code in your website pages will allow

The benefits of blogging for your business

(originally posted on: 2018-04-04 for webpoly ) I write about my web development practice experience, with web design tips to help my audience promote their businesses, attract more customers and close more sales . After a few years building custom websites with my webdesign studio [link removed]  and one year of blogging regularly, I often get invitations to writing jobs, which I politely decline. Because I actually hate writing. The fact that I write about a topic that I know very well and is part of my day-to-day to job makes it a lot easier. But I'd rather, in a decreasing order of preference: do a face-to-face meeting, phone or skype, chat message or email, write a blog post So why do I blog? I used to do a lot of non-billable consulting calls with my clients, which provided tons of valuable information on design, development and online marketing aspects of running a successful online business. I was soon to jump on phone calls with clients - or even prospects - and I enjoy