2023 in retrospect for Ghost Blogger

    Ghost Blogger entered 2023 without any new post ans so it remained. While I didn't have any comissioned book to work on, other blogs needed my attention, mostly for brand protection.

    The month of February saw the retake of the news sites Fourth Pig, once in a self domain, now reduced to a simple blog.

    In March, I reedited the old e-commerce sites Santa's Little ShopJack's Little Shop and Cupid's Little Shop, formerly self domains, now as simple blogs too.

    Yet in March, I initiated Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Finances * But The H**s Kept Finding You, about finances, under the pseudonym of Karen Adams, and Tea Lovers, initially intended to be a community, in the blog form as well.

    March hasn't ended yet and another old project took the form of a blog, for more brand protection and community support, Legal Tender project is being postponed for over ten years, but my situation since then has changed considerably.

    In August, a much older project was retaken, Acts & Crafts. while also translated to Spanish and Portuguese, in the modest blog form.

    In the same month, I started a blog for my short stories, under the pseudonym of Karen Stärcke, but decided to hold on from posting for a while until I can get away from forced isolation. I stopped caring about it, but there are some practical issues that needs solving as well before I go on posting my short stories.

    November came and another old project was retaken, in a reduced form, Illustrated Guide, except there are no ilustrations yet, only text, also translated to Spanish and Portuguese.

    In November, also Poison? magazine was created as a blog, for now featuring only Coin Coin! comic strips.

    In December, a lot has happened, starting the publications of art web - websites for artists, translated to German, Spanish and Portuguese; Rosebud Press, also translated to those languages; Brand Kitchen and Creative Passive, about sources of passive income for creative professionals and artists, both translated to Portuguese.

    In December too, Fourth Pig announced the publication of a series of new articles for ongoing formation for entrepreneurs and executive professionals called CEO School

Happy New Year!






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